You've all seen them... the old ladies who think they can fool the world by colouring their hair. I seriously don't get it. Can't they see the colour, no it is not dark grey - it is green.
I've always thought ´bad thoughts about these ladies families, why don't they say anything to them, letting them walk around looking like fools. But this weekend i became one of them, not one of the greenhaired ones but the family ones. Lets call her my grandma, (not that we are related in any way, tbut with todays family patterns who the fuck are) she has always coloured her hair with a redish colour. But this saturday when she got out of her car and i saw her, i totally froze and mumbled something "nice to see you, you look good". One lie cominig straight up. And they kept coming the whole day, jeg rystede dem ud af ærmet som vi ville sige på dansk!
Normally i think that i'm a rather honest person. I usually say what comes to my mind, even though it sometimes might be a little hurtfull to some people. Of course i lie once in a while who doesn't, its part of living. But I have never used so may lies in one day. I don't even dare to think of how many "ave maria" that would have cost me if I had been a catholic. Fortunately she has gone home now, so i don't have to feel bad everytime i see her. And she did talk about going to the hair dresser next week...
themselves, they get it done when they go to the hairdresser to
have thei perm done every other month. (you know that same perm
all old ladies have). Maybe, just maybe the colour and the perm is some kind of code amongst hairdressers. Thei have started out with the elderly defenceless ladies, next in line will be the children. And one morning they will shout out "FIRE LE MISELES" and we all be hit by green hair and perms. And then they will take over the world...
One evil masterplan.
I think i need to lay down for a while...
Ahahahah! I know exactly what you're talking about. Ladies, ladies, ladies, take a look in the mirror with our glasses ON ones in a while. Green hair is not making a comback. Trust me.
I might have to ask my mother about this "masterplan" seeing as she is a hairdresser. I'll get it out of her and report back to you so we can take preventitive measures. Everybody knows (or at least should know) that Kongeklubben will rule the world. Obbviously.
Miss you baby, keep up your fabulous self ;)
Se till att hästfan åker tillbaka till Oslo. Seriöst.
Det är en del av ett högtalarset och kostar mycket pengar (= inte en "souvenir"). Jag har meddelat Håkon att skylten nu finns i Dårhus, så att Espen kan rikta sina klagomål till er hädanefter.
Espen Bakjord är... ènu!
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